Thursday, September 10, 2009

The start of a new school year

Well another school year is under way. Can you believe Matt and Steven are juniors this year? Or that Chelsea is a freshman? And Nick, loving every day as a new kindergartner!

Matt is enjoying his Health Professions track. He is taking a Sports Medicine class and has to put in some hours as a trainer. He has done one football game and is scheduled to work a volleyball game today and another football game soon. He is still planning on playing tennis this Spring so he is taking part in fall practices on Mondays and Wednesdays. He spends a few classes at another high school now and loves it.

Steven is back in FFA this year and drama too. In fact, I am proud to say he has the lead in the fall play. He is playing Ichabod Crane in Sleepy Hollow.

Both Matt and Steven are taking one dual enrollment class to get some college credits under their belts. Steven has his heart set on UC Davis. Matt isn't sure yet but he is paying a lot of attention to SUNY Buffalo!

Chelsea is settling in to her first year in high school. She thinks she wants to play softball this Spring.

Both Chelsea and Matt are volunteering at the hospital. Steven is volunteering at the animal shelter.

Nick is loving kindergarten and after a rather rocky start, has got the routine down pat.

I thought I would really enjoy it when all 4 of them were in school but I find myself walking home near tears almost every morning after dropping Nick off. Once I'm home and get involved in different things, I'm fine. In fact, usually by the time I need to head out the door to pick Nick up, I am wishing that kindergarten was a full day!

So I fill my 2 hours and 50 minutes each school morning doing household chores and my computer stuff. And I guess now I will be using some of that time to write this blog. As of now, I am planning to use it to keep everyone up to date on the goings on here and share some of the deals, reviews, and earning opportunities I come across. Who knows maybe someone other than Dad will want to become a BzzAgent!

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