Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back to School with Seventh Generation

And the winner is:  Elizabeth GoHary!  Congratulations Elizabeth.  Send me your mailing information and your Seventh Generation Back to School pack will be on it's way.

Well it's that time of year again.  Summer vacation is over and the kids are back in school.  This seems to signal the beginning of cold and flu season, we all know how kids love to share those pesky little germs!

Here's a little history lesson on germs for you to watch:

According to a survey conducted by Senventh Generation, "82 percent of parents with kids in grades K-5 fret about the germs in their children’s classrooms."  So this year, Seventh Generation is sharing some tips on how to protect your kids during back-to-school season from pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene.  Dr. Greene advises that the following precautions be taken:

Optimize the immune system
  • Reap the benefits of probiotics like those found in yogurt. A recent study showed that children who received enough probiotics daily throughout the cold and flu season had a significant reduction in the number of illnesses they had and, when they did get sick, the symptoms were both milder and didn't last as long. 
  • Be sure your child is getting plenty of vitamin D from the sun, from food, or from a supplement.
  • Build a strong foundation. Good food, good sleep, and good physical activity all help the immune system to flourish.
Be wise about reducing unnecessary exposure to harmful germs
  • Teach children the key times to clean their hands in the classroom. The most important times include after sneezing, coughing or using the restroom, upon leaving "high-risk" places (recess, naptime, play stations) and before meals or snacks.
  • Sixty percent of teachers surveyed said that they request that parents donate disinfecting wipes to the classroom. Seventh Generation’s disinfecting wipes kill 99.99% of germs* naturally using the active ingredient thyme, a component of thyme oil which is derived from the herb thyme.
  • Stress the importance of not touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Demonstrate to your children how to cover their mouth and nose for every cough and sneeze. This simple maneuver has spectacular results in decreasing the spread of viruses and bacteria floating about the room, waiting to be inhaled
 One of the best ways to help stop the spread of the germs that can cause colds and the flu is to disinfect common surfaces such as doorknobs and counters.  This is where Seventh Generation's line of disinfecting products comes in handy.  Seventh Generation surface cleaners are botanically based making them safer for the environment and the user while still retaining their efficacy, killing 99.99% of household germs including those that cause Influenza A.

The wonderful folks at Seventh Generation and MyBlogSpark sent me a wonderful gift pack containing 2 disinfecting wipes (one to keep and one to give to Nick's classroom), disinfecting spray, papertowels, tissues, and an adorable backpack.


They are also providing an identical gift pack for one of you.  To enter to win the above gift pack, provided by MyBlogSpark and Seventh Generation, leave a comment with your tips for keeping kids healthy and germ free as they head back to school.  I will randomly select a winner using from all the comments submitted by 2 pm MST August 26.

All information, including video and picture, and both gift packs were provided by Seventh Generation through MyBlogSpark.  

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Seventh Generation BlogSpark


Dawn, your Seventh Generation cleaning pack is on it's way. Congratulations!


Today was bathroom cleaning day.  Normally, that means slipping on the yellow rubber gloves and turning on all the exhaust fans.  Thanks to Seventh Generation and MyBlogSpark, I was able to change up my routine.

In the past I have always felt the need to don rubber gloves because I didn't like the dire warnings most cleaner labels include: avoid skin contact, in case of contact rinse thoroughly with clear water for 15 to 20 minutes, remove contaminated clothing.  I don't know about you, but those warnings scare me. 

Even with the exhaust fans running, I never seem to be able to escape the chemical fumes.  And the fumes always seem to linger long after I have finished cleaning.  I really don't like breathing in all those chemicals and I sure don't want my family breathing them in either.

Seventh Generation and the lovely folks at MyBlogSpark, recently sent me a “Disinfecting Cleaning Kit” that includes a disinfecting multi-surface cleaner, bathroom cleaner, wipes , a copy of The Conscious Kitchen by eco-lifestyle consultant and author, Alexandra Zissu, a cleaning caddy made from recycled plastic, and two rolls of 100% recycled, unbleached paper towels

The first thing that struck me was that I could not find any of the dire warnings printed anywhere on any of the packaging.  No "avoid skin contact."  No "in case of contact..."  The closest I found to a warning was the instruction to rinse any surface used in food preparation.  The Multi Surface Cleaner is safe enough to be used on children's toys.

The cleaners contain thymol, a component of the herb thyme.  They kill over 99.99 percent of germs* naturally and are effective against the Influenza A Virus, including H1N1.

So, they are safe to use, but are they effective?  I put them to the test in the bathrooms today. 

The cleaning wipes were thick and stood up to scrubbing the toilet seats and counters with out tearing.  Usually I need to use multiple wipes to get the job done, but the Seventh Generation wipes are generous in size and cleaner and I was able to use only one wipe per area.

The bathroom spray foams nicely straight from the sprayer.  It rinsed clean leaving no visible residue.  It didn't cut through the soap scum on the tubs the same way my current cleaner does but, thinking about it, if a chemical cleaner can cut through soap scum with no effort, what is it doing to my hands?  I am more than willing to trade a little more elbow grease for peace of mind.

I was more than satisfied with the results the Seventh Generation cleaners gave me.  But I don't want you to just take my word for it and neither do the folks at Seventh Generation and MyBlogSpark.  Not only have they generously provided me with the kit pictured above but they are also supplying another complete kit for one of you. 

Everyone who leaves a comment about how they have become more environmentally conscious will be entered to win a Seventh Generation gift pack like the one pictured.  I will use to select a winner this Friday, April 9, at 3 pm MST.

*See product label for full details

The "Disinfecting Cleaning Kit," information and prize pack were all provided by Seventh Generation through MyBlogSpark. 

Inkling for Sprinkling

Are you a member of Poptarts' Sprinklings?  If not, what are you waiting for.  Poptarts Sprinklings is a club for moms where you can receive ideas for fun, new flavor releases and samples, valuable coupons and offers, and access to special promotions.  For example, in our mail today, we received a nice little package from Poptarts to help celebrate a 1/2 birthday.  It included a card, a banner, and a pack of cherry Poptarts.  This is the second time we have received a package like this.  We have received sneak peak packs of new flavors too.  Head to Sprinklings to sign up for free.

Rental Van Update

Over the past couple of weeks I have been able to add another $87.30 to the rental van fund bringing the total to $353.96.  The majority of that amount came from a special project I did.  $10 came from My Survey and another $10 came from Ipsos.  At this point, I am not sure I will be adding any more to the rental fund.  It usually takes 6 to 8 weeks to receive cash out requests and we are just about 8 weeks away from our trip.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Rental Update

Friday's mail turned out to be very nice and Saturday's mail held an unexpected surprise.  Friday, I received payment for a study I did for J & J Friends and Neighbors program.  I also received the cash out I requested from Viewpoint Forum the previous week.  Those two added $47.73 to the rental fund.  Saturday, I received a $10 bill from Urban DNA.  Months ago I requested a cash out that I never received.  They never answered any emails and I really thought I would never see my payment.  Apparently, they are now starting to make good on old cash outs.  What a nice surprise.  All total, last week's mail added $57.73 to the rental fund bringing it to a whopping $266.66.  Yesterday, Dan went ahead and reserved the van.  Now I know the exact amount I am working towards....$631.33.  With just over 3 months to go, I need to earn another $364.67.

Normally, when I post rental updates, I post reviews and referrals to the programs I earned from.  This time, it's a little different.  I cannot in good conscience recommend Urban DNA.  I would love to recommend Viewpoint Forum because they are awesome but right now they aren't accepting new panelists.  When that changes, I will definitely post a referral.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rental Update

As of today, there is currently $208.93 in the rental van fund.  Less than 4 months to go.  Now I am getting nervous.

$10 from a special survey from Zoompanel. They normally pay in points exchangeable for merchandise.  You get 5 points even if you don't qualify for the full survey.
$20 from Opinion Outpost. Normally, I cash out for Amazon credit.  Amazon credit pays out instantly.  The check option for payment says it takes up to 8 weeks but the last time I chose this option, I received the check in a week's time.
$16 from American Consumer Opinion Panel (ACOP)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rental Update

There is now $162.93 in the rental fund.  I only have about 5 more months to build that balance as much as possible.  I am not worried....yet.

Cereal, it's not just for breakfast

Cereal was always a breakfast staple in our house when I was growing up and thanks to my affiliation with MyBlogSpark, I was reminded why.

According to the people at MyBlogSpark, General Mills has reduced the amount of sugar in kids cereals to single digit grams per serving while increasing other nutrients, including calcium and vitamin D.  Also, cereal eaters typically consume less fat and more fiber than non-cereal eaters. 

A study conducted in 1998 showed that children children who ate breakfast performed better at school. They score higher on tests, are less likely to miss class or be tardy, have fewer reported discipline problems, and make fewer trips to the office.  Given that cereal, including presweetened cereal, account for only 5% of sugar in children’s diets, to-eat cereal is the No. 1 source of whole grains in a child’s diet, and cereal eaters tend to have healthier body weights and lower Body Mass Index measures, I think cereal is truly the "breakfast of champions."

But I don't think cereal should be just for breakfast.  Cereal delivers important vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients, making cereal a top source of key nutrients in children’s diets.  It is a wonderful source of wholegrain, sometimes the only wholegrains a child may get in their diet.  Along with becoming more nutritious, cereal is also very affordable.  All this combined makes cereal not only a great breakfast choice, but a good snacking choice as well.  It isn't unheard of in our house for someone to have a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for an afternoon snack or a bowl of Coco Puffs for dessert.

For a limited time, you can print a $1 coupon for one of four General Mills cereals.

The wonderful people at MyBlogSpark graciously sent me four VIP coupons each for a free box of General Mills cereal.  I will be giving away one coupon to a randomly chosen winner on Friday.  To enter, leave a comment about your favorite breakfast cereal by 12:00 pm MST Friday 1/22.

*VIP coupons, $1 coupon link, and information provided by General Mills and MyBlogSpark*